
Expert-driven trainings on sleep, healthy disconnection and stress-management for powerful performance and wellbeing in your organisation.

ON-LINE or ON-SITE: sustainable and efficient solutions for the detrimental impact of sleep deprivation and chronic stress on your collaborators.

All trainings are available as a Keynote, Workshop and/or Webinar session.

Choose for maximal impact thanks to a learning track. In several consecutive workshops, participants will have a progressive learning experience. We work with game-based learning, a validated change model, and hands-on tools for genuine improvement!

De kracht van slapen. 
Een goede nachtrust start overdag.

Slapen, het lijkt een evidentie voor de meesten onder ons, maar toch kampt 1 op 3 Belgen met slaapproblemen. In het boek 'De kracht van slapen' legt neurologe en slaapexpert Inge Declercq haarfijn uit hoe dat komt, en vooral, wat je eraan kan doen.

Dr. Inge Declercq, founder of SleepWell-Stressless, has already written 3 books: - De kracht van slapen (3d Ed) (Pelckmans) - Slaap wijzer (bestseller!) (Pelckmans) - Je veux dormir! (Kennes)

Slaap wijzer is een baanbrekende methode om van je slapeloosheid verlost te geraken.

Dr. Inge Declercq geeft je in deze unieke slaapwijzer beproefde tools om de negatieve spiraal van slapeloosheid te doorbreken. Met dit praktische, haalbare 10-stappenplan met audiobegeleiding gidst ze je doorheen het hele traject dat je zal doorlopen om opnieuw zorgeloos te kunnen slapen en vol energie te leven.


  • Firmly rooted in science thanks to medical background, knowledge and experience of a neurologist and sleep expert.
  • A unique multi-disciplinary method combining neuroscience, cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, stress-coping techniques, coaching and positive psychology.
  • The courses always provide practical tools, exercises, examples and create motivation to change and actually apply the learned tools. Scientifically rooted expertise is shared in practical and understandable ways.
  • The trainings offer the latest neuro-scientific information on sleep, wakefulness, stress and our biological rhythms.
  • And above all: because of the passion and enthousiasm with which the trainings are given.


Sleep problems are widespread; stress is often unavoidable. Both are bi-directionally linked and have an extremely negative impact on performance, energy and well-being. SleepWell&StressLess offers straightforward solutions for this challenge.

Scientific research proves that sleep is the crucial key to optimal performance, vitality and health.

Did you know that:

  • At least 1 out of 3 adults do not get the zzz’s they need
  • The annual cost of insufficient sleep for companies amounts to 2500€ per employee per year
  • About 80 % of (European) managers suffer from stress; 47 % in overall population
  • Off those chronic stress-sufferers,  85 % will develop sleeping problems


  • Your collaborators acknowledge the vital importance of recuperative sleep
  • Enable your collaborators to optimize their sleep and energy levels during the day
  • Enable your collaborators to tackle chronic stress and reduce stress levels
  • Learning healthy deconnection to better connect with a healthy functioning brain and to reconnect with others
  • For shift workers: learning to sleep optimally and wake up energised despite working shifts
  • Frequent travellers will be able to Outsmart their Jet Lag©
  • Sustainable employability for all staff levels

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Inge gaf workshops in Barco over “The Power of Sleep”, en dat deed ze met enthousiasme, passie en veel dynamisme. Alle deelnemers waren enthousiast om zoveel nieuwe en praktische inzichten over slaap én over waak te krijgen. Als neuroloog en slaapspecialist heeft ze de kunst om haar kennis en expertise op toegankelijke en motiverende wijze over te brengen. We houden er allemaal concrete tips en tricks aan over die werkelijk toepasbaar zijn om onze slaap- en zo ook onze levenskwaliteit te verbeteren. 

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